1. Filtration efficiency
As we all know, filtration efficiency is a key indicator for the quality assessment of masks. This is also one of the important quality standards for non-woven fabrics, so referring to relevant standards, we recommend that the bacterial filtration efficiency of non-woven masks for masks should be no less than 95%, and the particle filtration efficiency for non-oily particles should be no less than 30%.
2. Respiratory resistance
Respiratory resistance, the size of the influence on people's breathing when they wear masks. Therefore, the breathing resistance of the non-woven mask of the mask determines the breathing comfort when wearing the mask. Here we recommend that the inspiratory resistance should be ≤350Pa, and the expiratory resistance should be ≤250Pa.
3. Health indicators
Hygiene indicators are naturally another important key indicator of mask non-woven fabrics. Here we recommend testing items mainly for initial contamination bacteria, total bacterial colonies, coliforms, pathogenic pyogenic bacteria, total fungal colonies, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, ethylene oxide residues, etc.
4. Toxicology test
The skin irritation test is mainly a protective test test for people allergic to some materials. Refer to the provisions in GB 15979. The skin irritation test of mask non-woven fabrics is mainly to cut a sample of a suitable area in a cross-section method, soak it with normal saline and stick it on the skin, and then cover it with a patch for testing.